This summer, almost on a whim I planted a small flower garden. For the first time in my life I grew flowers, from seed no less! I planted several varieties of zinnias, cosmos, sunflowers, and marigolds. I had quite a bit of success with these easy to grow varieties and was able to gift quite a few bouquets to friends and family as well as sell a few arrangements at our farm stand.

Being new to growing flowers, and being quite the brown thumb, not everything went according to plan. I planted anemones and ranunculus too late in the season. I tried growing snap dragons with zero success. The chickens would dust bathe in my flower beds often killing my tender seedlings. Do you have cats? Well we have 5 farm cats and guess what they like to do in nice loose soil?! To top it all off by the end of the growing season the zinnias were covered powdery mildew.

However, it was still a wonderful experience that simply filled me with much joy and peace. In the early stages of planting it was so exciting to see little green sprouts poking out of our hard red clay. I found it rewarding to successfully germinate seeds indoors, a first for me. I was filled with awe at the beautiful bees and butterflies that visited my garden. I was amazed at the gorgeous colors of each flower and how those colors could change over a few days. The many sunrises and sunsets I got to experience in the flower patch filled me with gratitude. My favorite thing though, was to see friend’s faces light up with joy when receiving an unexpected bouquet of flowers.

I didn’t’ realize it at the time, but more than flowers were planted in my little garden; a little dream was planted. This little dream will shape the direction in which we grow Heart Hollow Homestead. With the support and encouragement of my husband and family I signed up for the Floret Online Workshop. I can’t wait for January to roll around and learn step by step how to grow, cut, and sell beautiful flowers. 2022 will be our first official year as a flower farm!